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wrap up

August Wrap-Up! [2018]

Hello everyone! Another month has come to a close, (way too fast might I add, especially since school starts in September!) But regardless I did manage to read some books this month, miraculously squeezing in the last one at the very last second!


Waking Gods by Sylvain Neuvel
★★★.5 stars!
An enjoyable sequel to a fantastic book series! While this wasn’t my favorite of the two, (I wish there was more explanation on the events that occurred rather than just interviews) I am still SO engrossed in this story and the mystery and science of it all. I can’t wait to see what the final book has in store!
Continue reading “August Wrap-Up! [2018]”

July Wrap-Up! [2018]

Hello everyone! I’m so excited to be doing another wrap-up, especially since it’s been quite a few months since I last did one! This time will be a bit different–I’ll be including some of the TV shows and movies I’ve watched this month as well!


The Bone Witch by Rin Chupeco [REVIEW]
★★★.5 stars
An overall enjoyable book! I did have a few problems with all the info-dumps as well as my difficulty to follow some aspects of the story, but plot was interesting enough for me to still be invested in the story! Looking forward to the sequel!

Continue reading “July Wrap-Up! [2018]”

March Wrap Up! [2018]

SORRY THIS IS SO LATE! But yay for reading enough books to make a wrap up! I managed to read 5 books in March, and even though it’s not an alarming amount, I’m still really pleased with it because I am the slowest reader ever. (which I feel like I mention in every single wrap up of mine).

Blood and Sand by C.V. Wyk ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 30975382
I read this during my attempt at a 24 hour readathon, and I can’t believe that it was in March? For some reason I feel like I read this months ago lol. (That’s also probably why you shouldn’t binge read a book in a day 😂) This was such an entertaining read for me, it has gladiators, female warriors, romance and kickass fight scenes. Plus the ending to this book was so crazy.

51c7igsoyhl-_sx329_bo1204203200_Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman ⭐️⭐️⭐️.5
I listened to the audiobook of this one AND I LOVED EVERY SECOND. Yes, my rating isn’t that high but I really think the audiobook enhanced my experience a lot for this one. Like the title says, this book is filled with a bunch of mythological tales, told in Neil Gaiman’s brilliant, lyrical writing. It was nice to be able to read one whole chapter or “story” and then take a little break to read the next tale later on. I highly recommend this to all you mythology lovers out there!

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 51s-zq92brl-_sx331_bo1204203200_
Another amazing read! Can you believe it, this was my first ever V.E. Schwab book, and I couldn’t be happier that I started with this one! If you didn’t know, ADSOM follows our main character Kell, who is known as an Antari for their ability to travel between 4 parallel Londons. It’s such a cool concept and V.E. Schwab excuted it perfectly. I did feel a bit iffy on some things, but you can read them more in detail in my review.

8755776City of Lost Souls by Cassandra Clare ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.25
I am so glad that I was able to complete a small chunk of my yearly goal, which was to complete The Mortal Instruments series. Yes, I still have one more book left to go, but I know for a fact that I’m actually going to follow through and finish it now. City of Lost Souls is definitely one of my favorites of the 4 I read so far, which I’m really pleased about. I felt like we mostly got a full development of our characters, and I really am going to miss a lot of them when the series is over. Review. 

Circe by Madeline Miller ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ + favorite read! 9781408890080
Behold my favorite read of the month…(and one of my all time favorite reads EVER!) Am I really surprised that this book blew me away? No, I was expecting nothing but greatness from Madeline Miller. This story follows Circe, an immortal goddess born from the Titan Helios. Throughout the novel we follow her struggles and insecurities with fitting in with the immortals around her, as well as trying to come to terms with her love for mortal life. It’s a beautiful story of determination, growth, and the reality of eternity. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. (Especially if you’re into Greek Mythology) YOU NEED TO READ THIS! It comes out April 10, 2018! You can read my full non-spoiler review here!

Thank you guys so much for reading…I hope I managed to convince you to read at least one of these books, since I had a pretty great reading month! Let me know your favorite read of March!

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Read-A-Thon Wrap Up!

Whaaaaaat I actually finished a book during my read-a-thon? Scratch that, 2 books?
Who am I? 😂

I keep saying that I barely read anything during this read-a-thon, BUT I actually completed the goals that I set for myself in my last post, which were…

-Start & finish reading Blood and Sand by C.V. Wyk ✓
-Finish listening to Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman ✓
-Start reading ADSOM by V.E Schwab ✓

So technically…I successfully completed the read-a-thon, (even though the total number of pages I read isn’t that impressive) BUT STILL.
Continue reading “Read-A-Thon Wrap Up!”

January Wrap Up + February TBR! [2018]

Hello everyone! Can you believe it, I actually read enough to make a wrap up list! I’m really happy with the five books I read this month, especially since January is finals month where I live, so I was pretty productive. I’m also posting a February TBR along with this list, so stay tuned for that at the end!

January Wrap up

26047438Fire Falling
Author: Elise Kova
My Rating: 4/5 stars!

What a great start to the year! This is one of those books that actually wasn’t on my immediate TBR, but I was like why not read the second book to this series! It was definitely a mood read, and I’m super glad that I picked it up. If you didn’t know, the Air Awakens series by Elise Kova follows our main protagonist Vhalla Yarl who works in the palace as a servant girl, but soon finds out she possesses an ability for the very thing she fears.

Earth’s End 17022741-_sy540_
Author: Elise Kova
My Rating: 3.75 stars!

Continuing on to the third book…still a solid read, just not my favorite in the series so far. I felt like some of the characters in the novel didn’t really act like themselves…if that makes sense? But the reason I picked up this book right after, was because Fire Falling ended on SUCH a cliffhanger, I literally read them both back to back in almost one sitting.
Continue reading “January Wrap Up + February TBR! [2018]”

July 2017 Wrap Up!

Who is super proud of Ashley? ME. I’M SUPER PROUD OF MYSELF.

I read 7 books this month, and I haven’t read that much all year, (I think my highest was 4 lmao) but I am very happy because I was reading all the freaking time this month and it was awesome.

It sucks because I know I won’t be able to read as much in August, because I literally have work every single day and I’m annoyed because summer meant reading all day everyday.

But…on to my wrap up for July! AND LEMME SAY…I READ SOME QUALITY BOOKS THIS MONTH. (2 books added to my forever favorites?!?! what is this?!?!)
Continue reading “July 2017 Wrap Up!”

January 2017 Wrap Up!

Hey guys! Today I’ll be discussing the 4 books I read in the month of January!

Author: Amy Tintera
Rating: 4/5 stars
Click here for my full review!

I actually listened to the audiobook for this one, and absolutely loved it! The narration was pretty good, and I finished the book way faster than I would have if I read it traditionally, (which is always a plus).

This book is very entertaining and fast paced, and the main character is so awesome! The only problem I had with it, was the familiarity it had to other YA books.
Continue reading “January 2017 Wrap Up!”

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