Hello everyone! Awhile back, I did a ‘favorite reads of Winter 17/18’ and I thought it would be fun to continue on for the rest of the year! It’s a little late to be posting my favorites of Spring, but I still wanted to get it out there!

A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab


This one was definitely a long time coming. It was also my first V.E. Schwab book, and I absolutely loved it! The book has such a unique and interesting concept, and I spent the majority of the time marvelling over the world and the awesome characters! I’m super glad that I picked it up, and I cannot wait to dive into the sequel! I gave it 4 stars! [REVIEW]

Scythe by Neal Shusterman


I was so pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this one! If you didn’t already know, it follows the perspectives of two teenage apprentices training to become Scythes, people in this society who are chosen to kill off the overgrowing population in an unbiased way. It’s obviously much more than that tiny description, but it’s SO GOOD! I’ve been steering clear of dystopian books for quite some time, and I’m glad this book got me into it again! I gave it 4.25 stars! [REVIEW]

Circe by Madeline Miller


I have to say, this book still holds the spot for favorite book of the year. It’s so incredibly written and the characterization of Circe is so well done that you can’t help but constantly admire the authors brilliance! It’s such a stunning book that I will constantly be praising and CONSTANTLY RECOMMENDING! I gave it 5 stars! (more if possible!) [REVIEW]

The Hating Game by Sally Thorne


Another phenomenal read! This has to be my new favorite contemporary book, I enjoyed it so much! There were so many moments that had me laughing out loud as well as getting all the feels from the main characters interactions! All in all, an adorable read that makes you want to reread it again and again! I gave it 4.5 stars! [REVIEW]

Hero at the Fall by Alwyn Hamilton


I have to say, it’s pretty rare for me to include a series finale in a favorites list, but by how well everything was wrapped up, I had to mention it! If you didn’t know, this is the third and final book in the Rebel of the Sands trilogy, and despite some of the problems I had with it, (the slow beginning and the not-so-satisfying death scenes) it still has an amazingly wrapped up conclusion that ties up most of the loose ends—which left me pleased. I gave it 4 stars! [REVIEW]

I hope this list encouraged some of you to pick up these books, or atleast move them a bit higher on your TBR’s, as I did enjoy them a lot! If you haven’t already, you can check out my Favorite Winter Reads post I did ages ago with some more recommendations!

Let me know some of your favorite Spring reads!

Thanks for reading!